Friday, August 29, 2014

Krishna Takes Rukmini With Him

Srimathe ramanujaya nama:
Srimad varavara munaye nama:

adiyen is watching the Mahabharat BR Chopra series and is at the point where Krishna takes Rukmini with him. Rukmini boards the chariot and Krishna says, "give me your permission to leave". Rukmini asks, why should I give you permission. Krishna says, you have invited me and you have called me, until you ask me to do so, I cannot leave.

adiyen's realization when I heard this - if we call out for Krishna, he will come and sit in our hearts (and life) and will not leave until we forcefully throw him out of our heart (not possible for a devotee). He is so merciful that he considers our hearts his dwelling place and comes to be with us, takes our heart in the process and blesses us. 

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