Got this as a forward on Whatsapp, recording here for easy reference in the future:
P.R.Ramachander aka Raja Thatha aka Puducode Rama Iyer Ramachander
For the past 18 years all my contribution has been aimed at a future generation Hindu youth who may not know how to read or write Sanskrit or their own mother toungue .These young people would be very intelligent (cream of our society) and curious .They would not accept anything without understanding their meaning and implication. For these people I have been translating multitude of Hindu literature in English from five different Indian languages and also typing and giving them in English.
I want this message to spread .
I do not want any copy right for any of these contributions. If any one wants to copy it and put it any where else well and good , as my aim would be achieved faster, which i need because I am an old grand father .
I would request God to bless you all for that. I am not interested in being recognized or getting fame but I would very much like that whatever I have done reaches the future generation of Hindus
May God bless you all
I am giving below a list of my blogs , wherefrom you can take anything that you want,if you feel that they are worth it :-
1. Translations of large number of stotras written in Sanskrit/Malayalam /Tamil/Hindi
2. Translations of large Carnatic Krithis composed in Sanskrit/Telugu/Kannada/Tamil/ Malayalam/Hindi -
3. Translation of Valmiki Ramayana from Sanskrit -
4. Translation of Kamba Ramayanam from Tamil -
5. Translation of Adhyathma Ramayana from Malayalam-
6. Translation of Narayaneeyam -
7. Raja Thatha Stories and rhymes for young children -
8.Translation of Devi Narayaneeyam - http://devinarayaneeyam.
9.Translation of adventures of king Vikramadithya http://vikramadhithya.
10.Translation of philosophical songs of Kannadasan http:// kannadasanspirituallyrics.
11.,General write ups , essays and poems on all aspects https://rajathathablog.
12.Rules and Rituals of Tamil Brahmins http://brahminrituals.
13.Village Gods of Tamil Nadu
14. Kerala temples http:// rajathathaskeralatemples.
15, Translation of 22 minor Upanishads upanishadindex.asp
16. Stories Illustrating proverbs (Tamil and Malayalam) by stories-